Who are we?


Global India Training Network is an Organization working towards the holistic development of the underprivileged communities through the life saving, life changing, and life transforming Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. It also trains and equips indigenous pastors, church planters and Christian leaders with an objective of “Training leaders and Transforming lives.” GITN concentrates among the unreached people groups, uncared communities and unloved children to demonstrate God’s love in & through Jesus by way of bringing awareness on various issues of the context that every human being faces on the daily basis. We also stand for life providing training on Sanctity of Human life to Church Leaders and saving the innocent babies from abortion.

India is the land of Spirituality and Philosophy and the birthplace of four major religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism & Sikhism). The preamble of the Indian construction states that India is a secular country. Throughout India’s history, religion has been an important part of the country’s culture. Indian Christians are facing severe persecution, opposition and humiliation. So we are using a holistic approach are care methods. The Gospel is shared through medical camps, educational assistance, self-help projects, tailoring training, goat and cow rearing etc.

GITN is committed to serving the indigenous churches of our Lord Jesus Christ and all those who love Him and strive to fulfill the Great Commission. We have a vision to equip these people to more effectively teach the Word of God in all it’s fullness, so that the churches and the nations would be powerfully impacted (2 Timothy 2:2). To do this, we conduct seminars and training conferences for church planters, pastors and church leaders. The task to reach India is huge. India is diversified with 31 States, 6400 people groups, 6 major religion, 6 races, 29 festivals a year, 22 official languages, 84% Hindus, 12% Muslims and only 3% Christians. Such is the prominence of our great nation India. But even today, there are many people who never heard the name of Jesus Christ even once in their lives. So, who will go for them? Can we say to the Lord, Here I am, send me O Lord! (Isa 6)! Unless we train and equip them, we cannot send them.

We believe that the local church is central to God’s plan for reaching the unreached people groups in India and other countries with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is why we focus on training and equipping the local indigenous pastors and church planters in our country and neighboring countries such as Bangladesh and Nepal.


The Vision of Global India Training Network and Hope International is to train, equip and encourage thousands of indigenous pastors, church planters, and Christian leaders both men and women in India, Bangladesh, and Nepal. These pastors and church planters will, in turn, train, equip, and encourage their won communities and local churches and multiply in their own culture and context.

MARCH 2023 IM Inc. Visits GITN

JUNE 2023 UPDATE (1 YEAR UPDATE 2022-2023)

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